shutdownThe TTB is shutdown. Those were the words those of us in the compliance world of wine woke up to this morning. It always sounds so surreal to me. So what exactly does it mean for US wineries & wine cellars? Here’s a brief summation of what “can” and what “can’t” currently be done right now  & a link to my next video explaining it until the TTB staff are back in the office.

For wineries:

What you can (& must) continue to do:

  • Submit your 5120.17 report (702) and excise tax reports via the site
  • Submit label approvals  via COLAs online
  • Submit an application to the TTB via Permits Online

What you can’t do:

  •  Talk to or email anybody at the TTB
  • Get to chat with TTB staff at their booth at the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium in Sacramento this Wednesday & Thursday!

Here’s my next video with info about what you can & cannot do while the shutdown is in effect

​This shutdown is less than convenient. I’m sure the TTB staff feels similarly. But the wine business continues on despite the government’s situation. We’ll continue to do our thing and many others are still excitedly planning to start their own wine businesses.  My suggestion for everyone is borrowed from the boy scouts: Be prepared.

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